Category Archives: planning

When and where should we have a Repairathon?

We’re staring to plan out our events for this summer, and I’m hoping we’ll manage at least one Repairathon each month. So… where and when should we host our upcoming Repairathons?

We want to hear from you! Let us know in the comments, on Twitter, or by e-mail if you have an idea for a time and/or place that you think would make for a good Repairathon. We already have a whole bunch of ideas, but we’re looking for your feedback first. Tell us why your idea would make for a good event.

As always, if you’re interested in volunteering with us (as a repairer or otherwise), we’d love to have your help.

Skills Inventory

The Repairathon was just launched, we haven’t even had our first event or meeting yet, and already we have been attracting some attention.

The Clothing Repairathon was inspired in part by “repair cafes” which began mostly in the Netherlands and have been spreading. I believe the new Repair Café Calgary is the first and only in Canada so far. I met up a few days ago with some people from Green Neighbours 21 and beyond who are interested in doing the same in Toronto.

Before we can start planning Repairathon events for anything other than clothing, we need to find out what repair skills exist here. So… if you live in the Toronto area, have some experience repairing things, and would be willing to help share that knowledge with others, we want to hear from you. Post a comment here to let us know who you are and what you like to repair.

We’ve got repairing clothing covered (see Volunteer), and there are already great community bicycle repair places, so we’re especially interested in other things such as small appliances, small furniture, jewelry, luggage, toys, and everything else that we didn’t think of.

And of course… thanks so much for sharing your abilities.