Clothing Repairathon Aug. 13 at Wychwood Barns Farmers’ Market

Torn jeans? Don’t toss em, repair em! Toronto Clothing Repairathon will be mending clothing for free at Wychwood Barns Farmers’ Market on Saturday Aug. 13 from 8 a.m. till noon.

Volunteers are ready to work their magic on all your holey sweaters and coats with missing buttons.Come by with clean clothing in need of small repairs, not more than 2-3 per person.

Sandwich board art by Withrow Park Farmers' Market

Sandwich board art by Withrow Park Farmers’ Market

Love sewing? Join us! We’re always looking for crafty folks to sew on a button or two. Meet other sewers and help your community. Sign up with our event planning app or swing by our table at our next event.